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Research Labs


Machine Learning

Machine Learning

The Machine Learning Research Group focuses on two main research directions: traditional ML and modern DL. The former concentrates on established topics in the field of machine learning/AI, such as CV, NLP, RL, ... while the later focuses on emerging topics such as foundation models, Federated Learning, ...

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Smart Semiconductor

Smart Semiconductor

This lab focuses on chip design and manufacturing to enhance performance, optimize computational processing in microprocessors for AI tasks, and explore the application of AI in chip design and production processes.

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Smart Life Science

Smart Life Science

The research in this group encompasses AI research and applications in the fields of biotechnology, food technology, and health sciences. The research topics are divided into two major areas: the design and production of smart medical devices and the development of smart medical software solutions.

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Smart environment

Smart environment

This lab focuses on AI applications in environmental science and climate change, including energy management, pollution control, green agriculture, clean energy, and waste management.

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Smart System

Smart System

This research team focuses on studying automation and intelligent control systems, where AI is applied to automate production processes and make control decisions. Key research topics include: Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Cities, Intelligent Transportation Systems.

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Smart Education

Smart Education

Leveraging the existing strengths of HUST, this team will promote AI research and applications to drive digital transformation in the education sector. Some specific research topics include: Data Analysis and Decision Support, Intelligent Content Creation, Communication Support.

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18_50Crafting Quality, Enriching Lives


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Fi-Mi: A Fine-grained AI-based Mobile Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting System

Fi-Mi relies on lightweight air quality monitoring devices mounted on the buses. Fi-Mi can broaden the monitoring regions and provide fine-grained air quality information while significantly reducing costs compared to the existing approaches.

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VAIPE: AI-assisted IoT-enabled smart, optimal, and Protective hEalthcare monitoring and supporting system for Vietnamese

VAIPE aims to build an intelligent healthcare system to assist users in collecting, managing, and analyzing their health-related data; enabling users to collect heterogeneous data, and support users.

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Proactive Carbon Farming with AI and Digital Twins for Sustainable Agriculture in Thanh Hoa Province

This project introduce an AI-powered digital twin platform for proactive carbon farming management in the Thanh Hoa Province. It provides a dynamic digital twin platform for a complete carbon farming lifecycle.

2550Powered by Digital Transformation and AI


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Automated Data Extraction from Health-related Documents


A greenhouse gas inventory declaration, verification, and management System


An AI-powered solution to generate PET images from CT scans


Seamless Document Translation with Original Format Retention

Seamless Translator

icon Delivering Essential Data to Solve Real-World Challenges


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VAIPE-Pill: A Large-scale, Annotated Benchmark Dataset for Visual Pill Identification

This dataset consists of a real-world, large-scale pill image. All these datasets are established under real-world scenarios and then normalized to train machine learning systems.

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VAIPE-P: An Open Dataset of Prescription for Visual-based Clinical Applications

This dataset consists of an Open Dataset of Prescription Images collected from large Vietnamese hospitals with various templates.

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This is a comprehensive large-scale PET/CT dataset collected from hospitals. The dataset consists of 2,028,628 paired CT-PET images from studies of 3,454 patients, designed to cover a wide range of anatomical regions.

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Multi-VSL: A Large-scale Multi-view Sign Language Dataset

We provide a new large-scale, multi-view sign language recognition dataset spanning 1,000 glosses and 30 signers resulting in over 84,000 multi-view videos.

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Application for AI4LIFE’s AI Young Talent Academy

Artificial Intelligence (AI), with its groundbreaking advancements, has demonstrated its effectiveness and great impact on society. The Institute for AI Innovation and Societal Impact (AI4LIFE) at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Ho Chi

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